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Community Links

We have strong links with our Church, our Diocese, Blundeston Pre-School, Blundeston in Bloom and Lound Hall Nursing Home.

Actions for children
Action for Children supports and speaks out for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people

Blundeston Pre-School
A link to our local pre-school's website

Childcare Support
Suffolk County Council link to finding childcare in Suffolk

National Literacy Trust
Free resources to support your child's reading skills

NHS Better Health
Information for families about getting fit and staying healthy

Suffolk Infolink
Link to a wide range of Lowestoft and Suffolk Services, from childcare and health to learning and leisure

Teach Your Monster to Read
A website by the book publishers, Usborne, with fun and interactive games for early readers

The Communication Trust
Information and resources to support children's communication skills

Rehab 4 Addiction 
Information for anybody who knows of somebody or who is themselves struggling with alcohol or drug addiction in Lowestoft

NHS Rehab Treatment
Information about free rehab treatment funded by the NHS