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Welcome to the Governors' section

The Governors are a group of dedicated volunteers drawn from the local community who have a range of knowledge, skills and experience. 

The Governing Board has three key responsibilities:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school
  • To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent

In doing this, we aim to fully support the school's vision of being "A Place to Flourish".

At Blundeston CEVCP School, there are 12 members on the Governing Board, including staff from the school, parents of children at the school and representatives of the Church, the local council and community.  Together, we make strategic decisions on matters such as performance targets, the school budget, school policies and school improvement plans, putting the needs of the children at the heart of all the decisions we make.

The whole Governing Board meets twice a term.  We also have a Resources sub-committee, who also meet twice a term, with responsibility for specific areas, such as Finance, Personnel, Premises and Health and Safety.

So now that you know who we are and a little about what we do, we hope that you will feel free to approach us whenever you see us.  If you have a question or suggestion, or would like more information about any current Governor vacancies, please do not hesitate to contact me on the email below.

Best wishes,

Claire Robertson (Chair of Governors)

Our School's Governing Board

The Instrument of Government states that the Governing Board shall consist of:

  • 3 Parent Governors   
  • 3 Co-opted Governors                                                       
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 3 Foundation Governors



Mr. Chris Edwards

Headteacher Governor

Date of Appointment: 01.09.23

Automatic right to be on the Board

Resources and Pay Committees

No Pecuniary Interests declared (2023/24))


I first joined the Governing Board when I was appointed Headteacher at the school.  I am extremely proud to lead our vibrant, flourishing and popular Church school of nearly 200 pupils and our team of dedicated and talented staff. Ultimately, my vision for the school is a place where everyone can flourish and this is what I strive for every day for the children and staff at Blundeston CofE VC Primary School.


Mrs. Claire Robertson

Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Date of Appointment: 11.12.20

Elected by: Parent Body

Office Ends: 10.12.24 

Named Prevent & Safeguarding Governor

Resources and Pay Committees

Declared Interests (2023/24):-

Corby and Fellas (employee)

RWR Renovations (husband - director)

I became a Parent Governor in 2016 in order to offer my help and skills to support the school. I am a working mum and, for many years, was a website project manager. In my current job I am client facing. I project manage website builds and I build and test customer loyalty apps for our clients. Alongside this, I deal with my husband’s business finances which has helped me in my role as a long-standing committee member of the Resources Committee. Throughout my time as a governor, we have worked together to become a very strong board by building on each other’s experiences and utilising our combined skills to best support, challenge and strengthen the school to improve our children’s education, life skills and learning environment.

Mr. David Gallagher

Local Authority Governor

Date of Appointment: 02.08.20

Elected by: Local Authority

Office Ends: 01.08.24

PE/Pupil Premium  Governor

Resources and Pay Committees

No Pecuniary Interests declared (2023/24))

I have been a governor for about 8 years. I wanted to contribute to the school where my step-daughter was a pupil, hence starting as a Parent Governor. I was interested in how the school operated and felt I could bring the experience that I had in general senior management and governance in other sectors. I have been involved in resources and premises issues and contributed to the recruitment process of the senior leadership team. It has been great to see the school develop over the past few years and I am proud of the culture and ethos of the school. It is both a fabulous place to be a pupil and a member of staff.

Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis

Foundation Governor

Date of Appointment: 16.02.20

Appointed by: Diocese

Office Ends: 15.02.24

Collective Worship & SEND Governor

No Pecuniary Interests declared (2023/24)

I joined the Governing Board as a Foundation Governor in 1997 when I was working as a teaching assistant at the school. I have had a connection with the school since 1976 when my children attended and I now have grandchildren at the school. I have recently retired from working in schools and see my role as continuing to support the school’s connection with the church.

Mrs. Sarah Mann

Parent Governor

Date of Appointment: 12.12.22

Elected by: Parent Body

Office Ends: 11.12.26

Pupil Premium and LAC Governor

No Pecuniary Interests declared (2023/24)

I decided to become a Governor in 2022 as my son attends Blundeston and I wanted to be able to support the school to grow and achieve its aims. I work as an Operations Manager for NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board. I am an experienced project manager. In previous roles, I have worked with young people arranging work experience, offering careers advice, arranging careers events and setting up apprenticeship opportunities. I have run Prince's Trust programmes and set up work experience programmes for young people with learning difficulties and disabilities.

Mrs. Andrea Whiting

Parent Governor

Date of Appointment: 09.01.23

Elected by: Parent Body

Office Ends: 08.01.27

IT & Website Compliance Governor

No Pecuniary Interests declared (2023/24)

I decided to become a parent governor in December 2022, after moving to the village in 2021. My daughter attends Blundeston school and I wanted to support the school with their ethos and vision. I am a working mum and from an office management role my current position is a company secretary for a building company specialising in extension and renovations. I am looking forward to support the governing board and offer encouragement throughout the school and see the children flourish to their true potential.

Mrs. Ruth Jooste

Parent Governor

Date of Appointment: 11.12.20

Elected by: Parent Body

Office Ends: 10.12.24

GDPR  & Attendance Governor

No Pecuniary Interests declared (2023/24)

I am a mother of two boys who both attend Blundeston Primary School and have been a Parent Governor since December 2020. As a retired professional dancer, alongside running my own home improvement business, I teach tap dancing to 3-6 year olds. What I love most about our school is that it is small, friendly and has a wonderful atmosphere for the children to learn in. 

Mrs. Laura Ward

Staff Governor

Date of Appointment: 01.09.2023

Elected by: Staff

Office Ends: 30.10.27

No Pecuniary Interests declared (2023/24)

I joined the Governing board this year as part of my new role as Deputy Headteacher at Blundeston Primary School. I am really looking forward to being part of an enthusiastic and dedicated team, where we strive to make the best decisions for our whole school community. I hope to share my experience and knowledge, but also learn from others' expertise, as this collective approach will ensure all our pupils, staff and community can flourish. 

Mr. Jonathan Salisbury

Foundation Governor

Date of Appointment: 12.12.22

Elected by: Diocese

Office Ends: 11.12.26

Training and Staff Wellbeing Governor

No Pecuniary Interests declared (2023/24)

My daughter is in her first year at the school. My family are new to the area, having moved to Blundeston in May 2022 and I want to be able to support my local community. I currently work within the NHS, but previously worked for the water board in network management. As a Governing Board member, I am looking to encourage a Christ-centred community, where each child will thrive within their learning.


Mrs. R. Witt

Clerk to Governors

Date of Appointment: 30.01.23

Declared Interests


Asset Education - Governance Professional and Executive Clerk

Active Learning Trust - Clerk to Governors

Kessingland CE Primary School -

Clerk to Governors

I am an independent, self-employed Governance Professional clerking across trusts, primary and secondary schools in and around Lowestoft, rural Suffolk and Ipswich. I am also the Executive Clerk for a Multi Academy Trust and have a small team of clerks working for me. I am Suffolk County Council trained and have been clerking independently for 9 years now. I am a member of NGA and The Key and keep up to date with news, guidance and legislation. I also work within a network with other independent clerks through forums and groups where knowledge, learning and good practice are shared.