Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills and they inspect schools to assess the levels of teaching and learning. They monitor standards, track progress and share best practise.
Ofsted school inspections are required by law and Ofsted produces a guide for parents explaining their role and how they work. Ofsted reports directly to Parliament and is independent and impartial.
"Leaders are ambitious for pupils. They have adopted a curriculum that works. The curriculum includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities well. Staff know these pupils’ needs and ensure that they receive all necessary support. The new nurture group helps pupils facing difficulties to become more confident. Children in the early years get off to an excellent start. They pick up early reading and numeracy skills from the start. The classroom is stimulating and fires their curiosity. Pupils behave very well. They are keen to learn. They take on jobs such as road safety officers and digital leaders. There's evidence of their courage, independence, resilience and teamwork. "
You can download and read our past Ofsted Report in full below: