**Our fantastic results 2023!**
Assessment at Blundeston CEVC Primary School
At Blundeston, we have worked hard to develop a robust assessment system with formal, summative assessments completed termly using NFER tests. For internal assessments, the school uses a PITA (Point In Time Assessment) scoring system on our computerised tracking system, Pupil Asset, for children in Years 1 to 6. At certain points in the year, for specific subjects, teachers’ assessments may be supported by test scores. In these instances, data is translated into “scaled scores” which in turn produces an equivalent PITA score. It is important to emphasise that this information is used to support teachers' day-to-day assessments against age-related expectations.
For children in Reception, we use the Tapestry platform, which is a secure online learning journal helping staff and families to celebrate children's learning and development. Tapestry builds a very special record of a child’s experiences, development and learning journey through their early years. Using photos, videos, observations, conversations and diary entries, staff ‘weave’ the story of the child and how they are growing and developing and skilfully link this evidence to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Early Learning Goals. Parents/carers are able to view online their child’s progress, whilst also uploading their own comments and media.