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At Blundeston we believe that each child has individual and unique needs. We ensure that all children in our school have full and equal access to every part of school life.

We recognise that some children require more support than others to learn in school and we acknowledge that some children will have special educational needs (SEND) at some time in their school career. Many of these children may require help throughout their time in school, while others may need a little extra support for a short period to help them overcome more temporary needs.

We work in close partnership and in a spirit of co-operation with the children’s families, all relevant professionals / agencies both before the child joins our community and all the time that the child is with us.

Mrs Sara Allerton is our SENCO. She is responsible for coordinating the provision for all SEND pupils and works closely with families and the class teachers.  If you need to contact Mrs Allerton please email and mark the email for her attention.

Please contact your child’s class teacher, in the first instance, if you have a concern about your child’s special needs or if you are concerned that your child may have a special need.  

The school uses a number of different methods to determine if your child needs extra help. These include:

  • Liaison with feeder pre-schools, nurseries and schools prior to a child transferring to us
  • Child performing below age expected levels of attainment.
    We notice differences in behaviour, listening skills, self-esteem and confidence compared to other children
  • Concerns raised by parents
  • Advice received from existing outside agencies
  • Advice received from existing healthcare professionals

Disabled Access
The school and grounds are all on one level.  There are automatic doors at the main entrance for ease of access, with each door around the school having a ramp where necessary.

The school has a shower onsite and a toilet with wheelchair access.  

Please see SEND documents below.

Suffolk County Council's Offer for SEND

Information about the Council's provision for children with SEND