Welcome to Year 2!
Year 2 Curriculum Information
We are about to embark on another fantastic year in Year 2 and have lots of fun learning planned! The termly forecast gives you more detail about the learning taking place this year, you can find this at the bottom of the page. Our Topic this term is The Great Fire of London.
Weekly reminders & Home learning
- PE is on a Wednesday – Children can come into school in their PE kits. Appropriate school PE kit must be worn and labelled. As winter draws near, the weather will begin to turn cold and wet, so please ensure your child has jogging bottoms, jumpers, gloves and light waterproof jackets, as learning will take place outside as much as possible.
- Spellings and reading books are changed on a Friday
- Reading at least 3x a week
- TTRS x3 a week
The children are constantly reading throughout our curriculum and in our daily shared reading sessions, as well as some continuing their phonics sessions. However, to really help them progress and to support their enjoyment of reading, they should be reading at home most nights. The children have a chosen book from our school library to promote the love of reading as well as their reading level, appropriate Little Wandle reading book. Please feel free to choose books from home or the local library.
We ask that you try and read with your child as much as possible. We know it is hard to fit everything in, but reading offers valuable models for sentence structure, fuels their imagination, improves their knowledge of the world and also offers them some much-needed calm time. We recommend that, despite their fluency, children should read with an adult regularly to check their understanding of the text.
Our Class Book
Spellings will be stuck in their reading diaries each week on a Friday. The spellings are taught and revisited daily throughout the week in class, including using them to support our handwriting practise. A formal spelling test takes place on a Friday. Be creative with learning – writing out in chalk, repeating in the car, using pens in the baths – any way to engage them!
Maths in Year 2 provides our children with the required knowledge of the procedures and the ability to reason and problem solve at a level that prepares them for the next stage of their learning journey.
Our progressive scheme of work builds on prior knowledge and breaks the curriculum into manageable steps. We support a CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) approach. Using physical resources to develop mathematical connections alongside pictorial representations, with the children gradually moving towards a more visual and abstract application of strategies. Effective modelling and questioning allow children to learn new skills before applying and practising.
Children are expected to support their maths learning at home using Times Table Rockstars (TTRS). Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) is an award-winning online and app-based program that helps children and students practice and learn their times tables. The program is designed to be fun and engaging, and to help students build confidence and fluency in maths. Please encourage the children to log in and practice their tables at least 3 a week.
Many thanks,
Miss Moore
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