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Welcome to Year 4!

Year 4 Curriculum:

Long Term Plans:

Whole Curriculum




Year 4 Spelling Scheme

National Curriculum Word List Years 1 and 2

National Curriculum Word List Years 3 and 4

National Curriculum Word List Years 5 and 6

Extra Information:

Year 4 English Guide

Year 4 Maths Guide

Reading at home questions booklet

Learning about fractions guide

Useful Links:

Times Table Rockstars

BBC Bitesize
Lots of interesting video clips and learning tools for a range of subjects

Classroom Secrets
Fun, interactive and practical home learning resources that are designed to be used by children. These include interactive games, video tutorials and downloadable home learning packs

Maths Chase
A fun website for learning times tables

Great maths investigations

Oxford Owl
Entirely free website with lots of fun games and activities for you and your child - there is also a useful 'At School' section explaining the techniques used to teach reading within school

Purple Mash
Where to find Purple Mash resources - please ask if you require your login details

White Rose Maths
Great resources for Maths mastery